Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Our program provides education, training and technical assistance to individuals and businesses concerned with profitable agriculture.

What Is Agriculture and Natural Resources?

Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) is a program area of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Extension ANR programs are part of the outreach program of the University Of Kentucky College Of Agriculture. We provide informal education in agricultural production and environmental stewardship.   

Departmental specialists, researchers, and county agents develop and implement ANR programs. In addition to production agriculture, a small staff of Extension Associates provides focused assistance to state and county staff on interdisciplinary and critical-need programs. These programs may deal with the interface between production agriculture and environmental stewardship. Associates also address the relationship between farmers and non-farm rural and urban citizens. Our programs make a difference in the lives of millions of Kentuckians through research-based education.

Working with our other land grant partner, Kentucky State University, we extend the resources of the University to the people in their local communities. County agents serve as the link between people in every Kentucky county and experts in the universities. They coordinate and provide educational programs for the public through meetings and workshops, field days, personal communications, and web or satellite broadcasts. Agents also provide publications, newsletters, computer programs, videos, and other educational materials.

Individual Assistance

The Allen County Extension Office can assist individuals with questions on many topics. Do you have a plant that has a disease or an insect and you don’t know what it is or what to do? A weed you need information on? We can help you find the answer to many of these questions.

Soil Testing

Soil testing is an important component of any nutrient management program undertaken for the home garden, lawn, pasture or hay fields and should be utilized prior to adding any lime or fertilizers. Soil sampling kits and information on taking a soil sample can be picked up from the Extension Office. Once the sample has been taken, you simply return the sample to the Extension Office and we will mail it to the UK Soil Testing Lab for a small test fee. The results are returned providing information on soil pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium levels and recommendations for adding amendments. The office will help interpreting the results to make sure that you get the most benefit from you soil amendments while avoiding wasted amounts.

Private Pesticide Applicators Licenses

The Allen County Extension Office can provide the information and testing required to obtain a Private Pesticide Applicators License. For those individuals who already have their license, continuing education programs for recertification are held each March.


James Colby Dye

Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources

(270) 237-3146 Allen County Extension Office 200 East Main Street, Scottsville, Kentucky 42164-0355

Contact Information

200 East Main Street P.O. Box 355 Scottsville, KY 42164

(270) 237-3146